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Residential Parking Program (RPP) Update

Update from The City of Calgary (Calgary Parking)

This update was provided by Calgary Parking on Nov. 8, 2023

Current program status

Over the summer, Calgarians identified areas of our city where parking restrictions are no longer required on their streets.

  • We have completed over 400 reviews for parking restriction changes and in 98 per cent of these studies, parking restrictions have been changed.

  • Due to the signage changes and the expected decrease in permit renewals following the introduction of user fees, we anticipate a reduction in the program's operating costs.

This anticipated reduction in operational costs has enabled us to recommend revised user fees to Council as part of the 2023-2026 Service Plans and Budget for approval.

To help further prepare you for these conversations, kindly find attached the frequently asked questions.

What we did to keep the public informed

To help build public understanding of the program and the upcoming changes, over the past few months we have:

  • Notified all permit holders of the date the user fees will take effect and how they can remove parking restrictions from their streets. This was done via email, direct mail and our website.

  • Placed an ad in the November edition of community association newsletters to inform Calgarians of the purpose of the program, why there are new fees and when they need a permit.

  • Scheduled messaging that will go out on Facebook targeted at Calgarians living in Residential Parking Zones (RPZ). This message will clarify when a parking permit is needed.

  • Scheduled messaging that will go out on Nextdoor informing Calgarians about the purpose of the program.

  • Worked in collaboration with the Federation of Calgary Communities (FCC) to address questions and concerns they were hearing from Calgarians regarding the program. The video of the interview can be watched here.


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