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Help Save the Inglewood Pool

From Save Inglewood Pool

In our efforts to keep the Inglewood Pool open we are entering the home stretch.  The item goes in front of council again on Tuesday, November 26th.  We need you to please do the public submission form no later than 12 noon on Tuesday November 19th.

We are not sure if we will get a chance to plead our case, but we still plan on attending so, at the very least, we can be seen in numbers.

We have been getting a lot of more positive press as time has gone on.  So, we want to keep the pressure on so that this remains in the media.  Here are several things that are happening that you can do to support keeping the Inglewood pool open.

Submit comments by Nov. 19

Please submit your comments to the Council that will be attached to the agenda that the councillors will receive.  You can submit up to 2500 characters and attach 2 documents. These comments need to be submitted by 12:00 noon on Tuesday, Nov. 19th.

There are directions for doing so on our facebook page  (We will also be at the Inglewood Pool from 12:30 to 1:30 tomorrow Monday November 18, to help people fill out the form.)

Here is a link for a draft of our letter, to help you write your submission;

Register to speak on Nov. 26

We can also register to speak for the Nov. 26th meeting. So everyone should submit a comment, but hopefully a number of people want to speak on Nov 26th as well.  So you should do a second submission on to register to speak.  ( Sounds confusing, but we want to make sure that the City hears us).

Rally on Nov. 21

We are having another rally on Thursday, Nov 21 at 4:30 – 6:00 PM at Highline Brewing.  We need one more event to get press attention.  The press will be able to see how much traffic there is on 9th Ave at that time of day that is not currently being served by after work swimming times.  We can also get some of the businesses to speak to the impacts on businesses by closing down this pool.  It may be cold but we will be able to go into Highline as well and will have some propane heaters out there for that.  We will have some music and you can grab a beer and a hot dog.  Bring a sign – we will supply pool noodles.

Join the council meeting on Nov. 26

Mark Tuesday Nov 26th on your calendar.  It looks like it will be in the afternoon, but we don't know how fast things will move.

We really need to Flood the Chamber, so please come out and share your support.

Save the Inglewood Pool Team


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